Technology Tips

Dragon Medical One (DMO)

New cloud-based dragon with improved accuracy and profile stability.

Our New Cloud-Based Technology

New cloud-based dragon with improved accuracy, profile stability and instant auto-launch with PowerChart/FirstNet/SurgiNet.


Yes, speak the command “Next Section” or “Previous Section.” This is a step-by-step command that can also be manually programmed to your PowerMic microphone (see DMO – Menu Options & Settings).

DMO is currently only configured to work with PowerMic II/III microphones and can only be used within Cerner applications. On regular workstations (WS machines), you may continue to use the legacy Dragon Network Edition if you utilize a different microphone or need to use Dragon within other applications.

DMO no longer supports the use of autotext built with associated lists (e.g. EKG macro <heart rate>)

Cerner applications will pick up where you leave off from workstation to workstation, including dragon/DMO, resulting in faster load times.